Case of Manuilov in Barnaul

Case History

In the summer of 2023, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against Vitaliy Manuilov and Valeriy Klokov in Barnaul. In April 2024, Manuilov was summoned for interrogation, accused of participating in the activities of an extremist organization, and detained. The next day, the court placed him under house arrest. Two months later, Manuilov's case was separated into a separate proceeding. In June 2024, the case materials were transferred to the court. The case involves the testimony of a secret witness.

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    July 10, 2023 Case initiated Art. 282.2 (2)

    Senior investigator Yevgeny Kozuchenko opens a criminal case against 50-year-old Vitaly Manuilov and 37-year-old Valery Klokov under Part 2 of Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (participation in the activities of an extremist organization).

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    April 11, 2024 Interrogation Temporary detention facility

    Vitaliy Manuilov comes for questioning to the Investigative Committee. He is charged and placed in a temporary detention center.

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    April 12, 2024 House arrest

    The court in Barnaul sends Vitaly Manuilov under house arrest.

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    April 25, 2024 Art. 282.2 (2)

    Investigator Kozuchenko charges Vitaliy Manuilov in the latest version, seeing extremism in peaceful meetings of believers with friends, where he "actively quoted the book "Holy Scripture".

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    June 27, 2024 Case went to court

    The case goes to the Industrial District Court of Barnaul. It will be considered by judge Yevgeniy Saprykin.

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    July 23, 2024 Prohibition of certain actions

    Vitaliy's restriction measure has been changed to a ban on certain actions.

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    September 4, 2024 Hearing in a court of the first instance Interrogation Secret witness

    A classified witness is being interrogated. He says that Manuilov is one of Jehovah's Witnesses, talks in detail about the religious structure of this community in Barnaul and gives the names of some believers. When asked by his lawyer how he knows all this information, he replies that he found it on the Internet.