The Case of Virich in Luchegorsk

Case History

In July 2023, Anton Virich’s car was stopped by traffic police in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Then he learned that back in 2021 he was made a defendant in a criminal case for organizing the activity of an extremist organization and was put on the wanted list. He was detained and subsequently moved several times to pretrial detention centers in different cities. In October 2023, the case was submitted to the Pozharsky District Court of the Primorye Territory in Luchegorsk. In April 2024, the believer was sentenced to 6 years and 2 months in a penal colony. The court of appeal reduced this period by 2 months.

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    Anton Virich becomes accused of organizing the activities of an extremist organization in the criminal case of Yuriy Ponomarenko and other believers from Luchegorsk. Senior Investigator of the Investigation Department for the city of Dalnerechensk of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Primorsky Territory, Senior Lieutenant of Justice N. A. Sorokina, chooses a measure of restraint in the form of a written undertaking not to leave and proper behavior, but the believer is not notified of this

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    Anton Virich is wanted, but he does not know about it.

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    Virić's case is separated into separate proceedings.

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    Traffic police officers of the city of Uzhur, Krasnoyarsk Territory, detain Anton Virich. From them, he learns for the first time that he has been under recognizance not to leave for more than a year. Anton was taken to the police department in the city of Sharypov, where he was inspected and fingerprinted and detained for 48 hours.
    After that, the believer is taken to Krasnoyarsk, then taken by plane to Khabarovsk, and from there to the village of Luchegorsk, 5,000 kilometers from the place of detention.

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    In Luchegorsk, the investigator of the investigation department for the city of Dalnerechensk of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Primorsky Territory, Lieutenant of Justice T. S. Afanasyeva, issues a decision to bring Anton Virich as an accused. He is again accused of organizing the activities of an extremist organization. According to the decision of the Pozharsky District Court of Primorsky Krai, the man is detained for 30 days.

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    Anton Virich is transferred to pre-trial detention center No. 4 in the city of Spassk-Dalny.

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    The believer is sent to the temporary detention center in Luchegorsk and given the opportunity to familiarize himself with the case materials

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    It becomes known that Anton Virich is in pre-trial detention center No. 4 in the Primorsky Territory. He can write letters.

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    It becomes known that Anton Virich is alone in a double cell of the pre-trial detention center, the food is normal. He wrote an application for a medical examination to clarify diagnoses and prescribe treatment. The administration went to meet him.

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    The case is submitted to the Pozharsky District Court of Primorsky Krai and referred to Judge Vera Novogradskaya for consideration.

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    The prosecutor reads out the indictment. Anton Virich declares that he pleads not guilty.

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    The court examines five witnesses and reads out the testimonies of seven witnesses who did not appear. The prosecutor examines the written materials of the case.

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    The questioning of witnesses who appeared at the court session continues. They consistently enjoy the right not to testify against themselves and their loved ones.

    The court continues to examine the materials of the case. Among them are transcripts of telephone conversations of believers and the conclusion of a linguistic examination dated April 26, 2021, regarding video recordings made at meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses.

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    The prosecutor reads out the written materials of the case, including information on what Jehovah's Witnesses believe in, what principles they follow in everyday life, in the family, and how they relate to state power.

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    Anton Virich is in the temporary detention center of Luchegorsk. Conditions of detention and food are good, he has everything he needs, including a Bible. Relations with cellmates and the administration are normal. The prisoner receives many letters from relatives and fellow believers. He remains calm and positive.

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    The prosecutor asks the court to appoint Virich 6.5 years in a general regime colony with restriction of liberty for 1 year.

    The court satisfies the petitions of the defense and attaches to the criminal case a certificate from Virich's place of work and documents confirming that his elderly parents have serious illnesses.

    "There is not a single piece of evidence that would confirm that I have committed some kind of crime," Anton Virich makes his last speech.

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    Anton Virich is transferred to pre-trial detention center No. 1 in the Khabarovsk Territory, where he stays for 5 days. His first date with his wife takes place there. After Khabarovsk, the believer arrives in Chita, and after Chita, in pre-trial detention center No. 1 in the Republic of Buryatia in Ulan-Ude.

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    Anton Virich arrives at the place of serving his sentence - IK No. 1 in the Republic of Buryatia.

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    The believer is in quarantine for the first week of his stay in the colony. Then, almost immediately, he is sent to a punishment cell, where he spends about 20 days. Because of this, he gets a short visit from his wife only after a month in the colony.

    After his release from the punishment cell, Virich received 60 letters of support. Anton does not lose heart and tries to maintain a positive attitude. He has the Bible in the Synodal translation. The barracks are warm and the food is good.

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    Anton Virich performs various works in the colony: he builds plaster partitions, welds metal gym equipment, paints walls. When he was given shoes and clothes that were too large, he sewed them over. Now he helps other prisoners with this. The colony staff are interested in if there is something that the man does not know how to do. For his love of the Bible, Anton received the nickname "saint" in the colony.

    Virich has the opportunity to call his wife, in December she came to him for a long date. The believer receives letters of support from friends and caring people.

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    Ninth Court of Cassation of General Jurisdiction (54 Svetlanskaya Street, Vladivostok). Start: 15:30.

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