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Actions of Law Enforcement Officers

The houses of six believers were searched in Kabardino-Balkaria. The law enforcers planted banned literature on them


On May 20, 2020, security forces searched five houses in the town of Mayskoye. Six believers — a married couple and four other women — were taken to the investigation department for interrogation, and later released after questioning about their religious views "not for the record."

During the searches, literature included in the list of extremist materials was planted on all believers.

"One of the employees entered the bedroom and closed the door behind him. After that, he came out and forbade us to go there. Then a planted publication from the list of extremist materials was found there," said one of the believers, whose home was searched.

In another case, the security forces came to the home of a local resident when she was at work. The door was opened by her son-in-law. Law enforcement officers twisted his arms and took him to one of the rooms, while they continued the search in other rooms. Later, law enforcement officers brought the owner of the house and after that "found" 7 copies of prohibited literature.

During the interrogations, the security forces asked the believers what kind of God they believed in, how long ago and who taught them this.

Electronic devices and personal records were seized from local residents. Law enforcement officers did not provide them with copies of search protocols and other documents.

On May 14, the searches were sanctioned by the judge of the Maysky District Court, Andriy Skrypnyk. According to eyewitnesses, the special events were led by one of the local security officials, who had previously falsified evidence with the help of planting.