In the photo: Oleg and Agnessa Postnikov

In the photo: Oleg and Agnessa Postnikov

In the photo: Oleg and Agnessa Postnikov

Criminal trial

An Appeal in Birobidzhan Overturned the Verdict for the Faith of the Postnikov Spouses and Returned Their Case for a New Trial

Jewish Autonomous Area

On October 11, 2022, a panel of judges of the Birobidzhan Regional Court of Jewish Autononous Region overturned the conviction of Oleg Postnikov and his wife Agnessa and sent the criminal case for a new trial to the court of first instance. Believers will once again have to defend their right to freedom of religion in court.

The couple faced reprisals for their faith in May 2018, when their house was searched as part of the “Judgment Day” special operation. The prosecution against the Postnikovs was based on the testimony of police officer Yuliya Zvereva and another woman who feigned an interest in Bible study. A hidden video camera was installed in her house to record conversations with believers.

Judge of the Birobidzhan District Court Marina Tsimarno sentenced Oleg and Agnessa to 5.5 and 5 years of suspended imprisonment respectively in April 2022. The prosecutor requested 5.5 years in a colony for Oleg, and 5 years in a colony for Agnes. It is not yet known why the Court of Appeal overturned the verdict.

The Jewish Autonomous Region is the region with the largest number of criminal cases against Jehovah's Witnesses. There were 19 cases against peaceful believers. Convictions for 14 of them have already entered into force.

The Case of the Postnikovs in Birobidzhan

Case History
In May 2018, a special operation of the FSB with the participation of 150 law enforcement officers, codenamed “Judgement Day”, took place in Birobidzhan. Oleg and Agnessa Postnikov were among the 20 Jehovah’s Witnesses who became victims of criminal prosecution. The FSB charged them with participating in the activity of an extremist organization and involving others in it. The couple was made to sign a recognizance agreement. The case went to court in June 2021. The charges were based on the testimony of police officer Zvereva and another resident of Birobidzhan, who pretended that she was interested in the Bible. In April 2022, the court gave Oleg and Agnessa suspended sentences of 5.5 and 5 years, respectively. The court of appeal overturned this decision and in October 2022 returned the case for a new trial, which resulted in suspended sentences of 5.5 and 4.5 years. Another hearing at the court of appeal upheld the verdict. In February 2024, another search took place at the Postnikovs’ home, but as part of a new raid by law enforcement officers on the homes of believers. In July 2024, the court of cassation upheld the decision of the court of appeal.

Persons in case

Criminal case

Jewish Autonomous Area
Suspected of:
According to the investigation, "actively participated in conducting religious events for studying and disseminating... ideology"
Court case number:
February 12, 2020
Current case stage:
the verdict entered into force
Investigative Department of the FSB Directorate of Russia for the Jewish Autonomous Region
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation:
282.2 (2), 282.2 (1.1)
Court case number:
1-39/2023 (1-718/2022; 1-30/2022 (1-472/2021)
Birobidzhan District Court of the Jewish Autonomous Region
Judge of the Court of First Instance:
Olga Klyuchikova
Case History
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