Actions of Law Enforcement Officers

One of Jehovah's Witnesses, 67, detained in Maykop


On 20 October 2022 searches were again carried out in Maykop at least three addresses of Jehovah's Witnesses. Nikolay Voishchev, 67, was arrested and a criminal case was opened against him.

Early in the morning employees of the Investigative Committee and FSB, witnesses and IT-specialist came to the believers with a search. They seized cell phones, electronic devices, and hard drives with personal photos and documents. The law enforcers behaved correctly.

Three believers were taken to the investigative committee of Maikop for questioning, after which two were released and Nikolai Voishchev was placed in temporary detention isolation ward. Soon, the court will choose a measure of restraint for him.

Update. The next day, October 21, the court placed the believer in a pre-trial detention center for 2 months. You can write letters to him, with the following address on an envelope: «Voishchev Nikolay Pavlovich, born 1955, SIZO No. 2 in the Republic of Adygeya, ul. Lenina, 28, p. Tlyustenkhabl , Teuchezhskiy district, Republic of Adygeya, Russia, 385228». Letters of support can be sent by regular mail. They should not discuss topics related to criminal prosecution; letters in languages other than Russian are not allowed.

In Maykop, three more Jehovah's Witnesses are charged with practicing their religion. Two of them, Nikolai Saparov and Inver Siyukhov,, are already defending their beliefs in court. They are being held in pre-trial detention.

The Case of Voishchev in Maykop

Case History
In October 2022, an investigator of the Investigative Committee initiated a criminal case for extremism against Nikolay Voishchev, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses from Maykop. The investigation interpreted discussing the Bible with fellow believers via video link as extremist activity. Although seriously ill, he ended up in pretrial detention only because of his faith. The case went to court in December 2022. The case involved the testimony of two secret witnesses and an expert study that the defense considers unscientific. The believer was sentenced to 3 years in a penal colony in September 2023.

Persons in case

Criminal case

Suspected of:
"organized and conducted secret meetings together with other members and followers of the religious movement of Jehovah's Witnesses, through personal communication, telephone conversations and the internet" (from the decision to charge)
Court case number:
October 19, 2022
Current case stage:
the verdict entered into force
Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Republic of Adygea
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation:
282.2 (1)
Court case number:
1-163/2023 (1-801/2022)
Court of First Instance:
Maykop City Court of the Republic of Adygea
Judge of the Court of First Instance:
Zaubriy Birzhev
Case History
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