Andrey and Nina Danielyan

Unjust Verdicts

The Cassation Court Left Andrey Danielyan From Rubtsovsk in Prison

Altai Territory

On November 30, 2023, the panel of judges of the Eighth Court of Cassation of General Jurisdiction in Kemerovo, having considered Andrey Danielyan's complaint, finally approved the sentence of the first instance—6 years in a penal colony.

19 people who came to support Danielyan were admitted to the hearing. While the panel of judges was in the deliberation room, the audience was able to greet the believer participating in the meeting via video conferencing.

A year earlier, Judge Aleksey Bezrukov of the Rubtsovsk City Court of the Altai Territory found Danielyan guilty of extremism for discussing the Bible among fellow believers. And in January 2023, the Altai Regional Court approved this verdict.

The defendant's lawyer drew attention to the fact that the courts recognized the believer as an extremist without specifying specific extremist actions and motives for them, which is required by law. "The actions of the convict were natural within the framework of freedom of religion and were aimed at exercising, together with his co-religionists, constitutional rights that act directly and directly," the defender emphasized.

Andrey Danielyan, 54, is one of seven believers prosecuted in the Altai Territory. In addition to him, Pavel Kazadayev was sentenced to a real term in a penal colony in this region.

Case of Danielyan in Rubtsovsk

Case History
In May 2021, in the Altai Territory, security forces conducted a special operation codenamed “Armageddon”. Among the believers facing criminal prosecution was Andrey Danielyan from Rubtsovsk. The apartment of the Danielyan spouses was searched, and they themselves were interrogated. The man was accused of participating in extremist activities and included in the list of Rosfinmonitoring, blocking all his bank accounts and seizing cash collected for repairs. They took a written undertaking not to leave the place from the believer. Later, the investigator reclassified the charge from participation to organizing the activities of an extremist organization. The case went to court in August 2022. After 5 sessions, the court reached the stage of debate of the parties. The prosecutor requested 7 years in prison for Danielyan. In November 2022, the court sentenced him to 6 years in a penal colony. The appellate court upheld the verdict.

Persons in case

Criminal case

Altai Territory
Suspected of:
"He carried out the preaching work ... conducted a prayer for all those gathered and discussed the holding of subsequent meetings."
Court case number:
May 25, 2021
Current case stage:
the verdict entered into force
Department of Internal Affairs of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Altai Territory
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation:
282.2 (1)
Court case number:
Court of First Instance:
Рубцовский городской суд Алтайского края
Judge of the Court of First Instance:
Алексей Безруков
Case History