From left to right: Nikolai Polevodov, Vitaliy Zhuk and Stanislav Kim after being released from pre-trial detention. October 10, 2024

From left to right: Nikolai Polevodov, Vitaliy Zhuk and Stanislav Kim after being released from pre-trial detention. October 10, 2024

From left to right: Nikolai Polevodov, Vitaliy Zhuk and Stanislav Kim after being released from pre-trial detention. October 10, 2024

Unjust Verdicts

An Appeal in Khabarovsk Commuted the Most Severe Sentence to Date for Jehovah's Witnesses. Three Men Have Been Released and Will Serve Suspended Sentences

Khabarovsk Territory

On October 10, 2024, the Khabarovsk Regional Court reduced the terms of punishment assigned by the first instance to Vitaliy Zhuk, Nikolay Polevodov and Stanislav Kim by a year and replaced them with suspended sentences with a probationary period of 5 years. The believers were released from the pre-trial detention center.

Tatyana Zhuk, Maya Karpushkina and Svetlana Sedova surrounded by friends on the day of the appeal
Tatyana Zhuk, Maya Karpushkina and Svetlana Sedova surrounded by friends on the day of the appeal
Vitaliy Zhuk with his wife Tatyana after being released from the pre-trial detention center. October 10, 2024
Vitaliy Zhuk with his wife Tatyana after being released from the pre-trial detention center. October 10, 2024
Nikolay Polevodov with his wife Tatyana and son Ilia after being released from the pre-trial detention center. October 10, 2024
Nikolay Polevodov with his wife Tatyana and son Ilia after being released from the pre-trial detention center. October 10, 2024
Stanislav Kim with his wife Olesya after being released from the pre-trial detention center. October 10, 2024
Stanislav Kim with his wife Olesya after being released from the pre-trial detention center. October 10, 2024

The prosecution sought tougher punishment: in his presentation, Assistant Prosecutor A.M. Snytko asked to appoint 9 years in a penal colony for men, and from 4 to 5 years suspended sentence for women. The believers themselves insist on complete innocence of extremism. In her appeal, Tatyana Zhuk stated: "The sentence passed on me is subject to cancellation, since it was adopted with a significant violation of the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, international legal acts, criminal and criminal procedure legislation, and the conclusions set out in it contradict the factual circumstances of the case." Nikolay Polevodov emphasized: "I was convicted solely for my religious beliefs. And I expressed these beliefs in an absolutely legal way."

In response to complaints from believers and the prosecutor's office, the court of appeal ruled to commute the sentence of the first instance: Polyevodov—up to 7.5 years, Kim—up to 7 years and 2 months, Zhuk—up to 7 years, his wife Tatyana and Svetlana Sedova—up to 4 years, and Maya Karpushkina—up to 3 years suspended.

The Case of Polevodov and Others in Khabarovsk

Case History
In November 2018, riot police broke into a friendly party in a café, after which Nikolay Polevodov, Stanislav Kim, spouses Vitaliy and Tatyana Zhuk, Svetlana Sedova and Maya Karpushkina were under investigation. The men were sent to a pre-trial detention center, and later under house arrest. As a result, the Investigative Committee charged the believers: the men with organizing the activities of an extremist organization, and the women with participating in it. 14 months of the court of first instance revealed the groundlessness of the accusation, and the case was returned to the prosecutor’s office. In December 2021, it went to court again. In June 2024, Polevodov, Zhuk and Kim were sent to a penal colony for 8.5 years, 8 years and 4 months and 8 years and 2 months, respectively. Tatyana Zhuk and Svetlana Sedova received 5 years each, and Maya Karpushkina received 4 years suspended. Kim and Polevodov were simultaneously defendants in another criminal case for their faith and at the same time defended their beliefs in another court. In October 2024, an appeal reduced the sentences by a year, replacing the men’s sentences with a suspended sentence.

Persons in case

Criminal case

Khabarovsk Territory
Suspected of:
According to the investigation, they organized the activities of a religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses on the territory of Khabarovsk (with reference to the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation to liquidate all 396 registered organizations of Jehovah's Witnesses)
Court case number:
November 10, 2018
Current case stage:
the verdict entered into force
Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Khabarovsk Territory
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation:
282.2 (2), 282.2 (1)
Court case number:
1-6/2024 (1-15/2023; 1-216/2022; 1-1031/2021)
Индустриальный районный суд г. Хабаровска
Роман Чисковский
Case History