Name: Lyulin Sergey Aleksandrovich
Date of Birth: September 24, 1984
Current status: defendant
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1)
Time spent in prison: 3 day in a temporary detention facility, 588 day in a pre-trial detention, 132 day Under house arrest
Current restrictions: prohibition of certain actions


Sergey Lyulin was detained by law enforcers in August 2021. He was put into a minibus, handcuffed to handrails under the ceiling of the cabin, and his legs were taped to the seat and taken for 16 hours to the Simferopol pre-trial detention center, where he spent 203 days. Later, he was under house arrest for more than 4 months. In March 2023, the believer was convicted and taken into custody in the courtroom. A year later, this decision was overturned and the case was sent for review.

Sergey was born in September 1984 in Yalta (Crimea), where he still lives. His parents are retired, and his elder brother died in 2013.

Sergey has been interested in the Bible since childhood. He said: "Studying the Holy Scriptures, I realized that only the Creator has the right to establish the norms of good and evil. If you adhere to them, you will experience only happiness and joy. This prompted me to continue to learn about the Creator and develop a close relationship with him. Knowledge from the Bible has helped me avoid many mistakes, get satisfaction from life and make family relationships great." Sergey and his father followed the example of their mother and elder brother by becoming Jehovah's Witnesses.

For some time Sergey worked as a carpenter. In 2010, he married Darya, whom they had known since childhood. Before the criminal prosecution, the couple worked together as gardeners. Darya is a florist by profession. She loves to bake, draw, play active sports. Darya loved God from early childhood. In the Bible, she was especially touched by the fact that he accepts people from any nation, regardless of the position in society, material condition and external factors.

Sergey loves active sports: football, badminton and volleyball. Together with his wife, they go hiking with tents in the forest and mountains, spend time with friends. In addition, Sergey likes to take a steam bath.

Stress and worries due to criminal prosecution undermined the health of the whole family, Daria had to adapt to new circumstances and alone for a long time perform duties that previously lay on the shoulders of her husband. However, in his last speech, Sergey noted: "Throughout the process, my wife maintained a positive attitude, showed love, which helped me not to lose heart. She is a real helper. And I am glad that it was the knowledge from the Bible that helped me achieve such a relationship with my beautiful wife, who is a priceless pearl for me."

Case History

In March 2021, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against Taras Kuzo from Yalta, a father of two young children, suspecting him of financing the activities of an extremist organization. After a series of searches in the homes of believers, Kuzo ended up in a temporary detention center. In July of the same year, a criminal case was opened against the couple Daria, as well as Petr Zhiltsov, Sergey Lyulin and Tadevos Manukyan. Later, the Manukyan case was separated into a separate proceeding. Lyulin spent more than six months in a pre-trial detention center and more than 4 months under house arrest. Zhiltsov and Kuzo were under house arrest for 11 and 16 months, respectively. In March 2022, the believers’ case went to court. A year later, the court sentenced Taras Kuzo to 6.5 years, Petr Zhiltsov to 6 years and 1 month, Sergey Lyulin to 6 years in a penal colony, and Darya Kuzo to 3 years of suspended sentence. In March 2024, an appeal overturned the verdict and sent the case back for a new trial.