Name: Trofimov Viktor Fedorovich
Date of Birth: March 26, 1957
Current status: who has served the main sentence
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1)
Time spent in prison: 5 day in a temporary detention facility, 170 day in a pre-trial detention, 120 day Under house arrest
Sentence: penalty in the form of a fine in the amount of 350,000 rubles


Viktor Fyodorovich Trofimov was born in 1957 in Arkhangelsk region. In search of work and family improvement, he moved to the Murmansk region. In Polyarny he worked for many years as a cemetery keeper, later he got a job at the shipyard in Snezhnogorsk, where he worked as a gas welder.

In 1980 Viktor married Ulyana, they have three children. In 1995 Victor met Jehovah's Witnesses, got acquainted with the content of the Bible and saw the clarity and simplicity of God's requirements to people. None of Victor's family members accepted his religious views, but their family is filled with love, mutual respect and support. For Viktor and Ulyana it was especially important when they had to survive the death of their son.

Now Viktor Trofimov is already a grandfather who helps to bring up grandchildren. He is a life loving person far from extremism. He likes to relax in the countryside among friends. In 2018, law enforcement officers raided the apartments of believers in the city of Polyarny (Murmansk region). Viktor was detained and placed in a detention center, where he spent almost six months. In January 2020, a believer was sentenced to a fine of 350,000 rubles for his extremist activities.

Relatives believe that neither Viktor nor Jehovah's Witnesses in general pose a threat to society. Ulyana joined the appeal of the wives of the arrested believers to the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation, which spoke of a massive campaign of persecution of respectable citizens throughout the country

Case History

In April 2017, the families of Jehovah’s Witnesses came to the attention of the FSB officers in the Murmansk region. A year later, a series of searches took place in Polyarny, after which 13 citizens, including the minor Violetta Markina, were taken for interrogations, which lasted until 6 a.m. the next day. Investigator A. V. Gulin considered prayers and reading the Bible dangerous acts for the state. Roman Markin and Viktor Trofimov were sent to a pre-trial detention center for six months on suspicion of organizing the activities of an extremist organization. They spent another 4 months under house arrest. After 20 court hearings, the prosecutor requested 6 years in prison for Roman Markin and 6 years and 5 months for Viktor Trofimov. On January 24, 2020, Viktoriya Loginova, a judge of the Polyarny District Court, sentenced the believers to fines: Viktor Trofimov in the amount of 350,000 rubles, and Roman Markin - 300,000 rubles. The Court of Appeal and the Court of Cassation upheld the verdict.