Name: Tsorn Yelena Yuriyevna
Date of Birth: October 24, 1972
Current status: convicted person
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (2)
Current restrictions: recognizance agreement
Sentence: imprisonment for a term of 3 years, with restriction of freedom for a period of 6 months, the sentence in the form of imprisonment is considered conditional with a probation period of 3 years


On July 9, 2019, in Vladivostok, armed law enforcement officers in masks conducted a series of searches in the homes of civilians. The victims were 6 families of believers. A few days earlier, six of the victims were surprised to find their names on the list of "extremists" of Rosfinmonitoring. Among them was 47-year-old Elena Tsorn, against whom, as it turned out, a criminal case was initiated.

Elena was born in October 1972 in Vladivostok. She has an older sister. As a child, she was fond of knitting, wrote poetry.

Elena graduated from the Pedagogical Institute in Ussuriysk. She worked at a school for 18 years, then organized a children's development center, in which she was a director and teacher.

In 1994, Elena married Yevgeny, in marriage they had a daughter.

Elena has always been very interested in stories about Jesus Christ, so she was very happy to learn that her neighbor was studying the Bible. Years later, Elena Zorn made a conscious decision to become a Christian.

In her free time, the believer embroiders with beads and ribbons, paints oil paintings, plays the guitar, loves to cook, and is interested in landscape design.

Yelena's family is very worried about her criminal prosecution, which also affected her husband, Yevgeny. Since it all began, he has been summoned for questioning twice and offered a deal with his conscience - cooperation with the investigation or dismissal from his job. Due to nervous stress, family members began to have health problems. Elena's husband and daughter support her during this difficult time.

Case History

On an early July morning in 2018, in Vladivostok, masked armed law enforcement officers invaded the apartment of a 90-year-old relative of Dmitriy and Yelena Barmakin. Later, Yelena was charged with extremism and the family’s bank accounts were blocked. The reason for this was her participation in meetings for worship, which were secretly filmed by an FSB agent. In May 2020, the believer’s case went to court, and in September it was returned to the prosecutor’s office. In August 2021, the investigator merged the cases against Yelena and her fellow believers — Yuriy Redozubov, Igor Lonchakov, Lyudviga Katanaeva, Nina Astvatsaturova, Yekaterina Treguba, Yelena Tsorn and the Verigin couple. In June 2022, the case went to court, and in January 2025, the believers received the following sentences: Lonchakov — 7 years imprisonment, Redozubov — 6.5 years imprisonment; Treguba and Katanaeva — 3 years and 4 months suspended; Barmakina, Tsorn and Astvatsaturova — 3 years suspended.
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