Name: Zhigalov Sergey Aleksandrovich
Date of Birth: March 30, 1971
Current status: defendant
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1)
Time spent in prison: 2 day in a temporary detention facility, 52 day Under house arrest
Current restrictions: prohibition of certain actions


Back in 2019, Sergey Zhigalov's family was searched for the first time in the case against his co-religionist. Three years later, Sergey was searched again and a criminal case was opened against him because of his faith and accused of extremism.

Sergey was born in the mining town of Snezhnoye, Donetsk region, in March 1971 into a family of workers. He has a younger brother. As a child, Sergey was fond of breeding aquarium fish, loved to work on the horizontal bars and play football. Even then, the boy was interested in spiritual topics, he persuaded his grandmother, who was a devout woman, to take him to church with her.

After serving in the army, Sergey worked at the mine for 6 years, graduated from the institute in absentia with a degree in Accounting and Auditing. Since 1997 he worked as a plumber.

For the first time the Bible fell into the hands of Sergey in 1994. He was impressed by the accuracy of the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, the logic of this book and the wisdom of the advice recorded in it. Applying scriptural principles helped him break bad habits. After two years of careful study of the Bible, the young man made the decision to embark on the Christian path.

In 2000, Sergey moved to live in the Crimea, where he met Olga, who in 2007 became his wife. She works as a real estate lawyer. The spouses have common religious views. Sergey and Olga do not miss the opportunity to enjoy the nature of the peninsula and periodically go to the sea with tents. They love to cook delicious meals for friends and spend time in their company.

The criminal prosecution of Sergey brought with it many difficulties for the whole family. The couple had to change their place of residence, they faced problems at work. Olga has health problems from stress. Experiences also added a search of her mother, who suffers from an incurable disease.

Relatives, friends, neighbors and clients of Sergey do not understand why he is being persecuted, because they know him as a decent, friendly and non-confrontational person. Many of them, on their own initiative, provided positive references to the believer.

Sergey and his parents have different religious views, but they are confident in the innocence of their son. They consider the arrest unfair and the charges far-fetched.

Case History

In August 2022, another search was carried out in the homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Sevastopol. Two men, Sergey Zhigalov and Viktor Kudinov, were detained, and 2 days later they were placed under house arrest. The Investigative Committee charged the believers with organizing the activities of an extremist organization for holding online worship services. In October, the court replaced the men’s preventive measure with a ban on certain actions. The case went to court in March 2023.