Case of Stupnikov in Krasnoyarsk

Case History

In July 2018, FSB officers arrested engineer Andrei Stupnikov at the Krasnoyarsk airport. The next day, an investigator opened the first criminal case in the region under an extremist article against him for reading the Bible and praying together with friends. He spent 337 days in a pre-trial detention center, 124 days under house arrest and about 2 years under a ban on certain actions. In February 2020, Andrey Stupnikov’s case went to court, and in June 2021 he was sentenced to 6 years in a general regime colony. The appeal upheld this sentence, and the believer was sent to a penal colony in the Kirov region to serve his sentence. In August 2022, the cassation court upheld the decision of the appellate instance.

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    Temporary detention facility

    At the Emelyanovo airport in Krasnoyarsk, Andrei Stupnikov is detained by officers of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. After a personal search, he was forcibly taken to the building of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Territory at the address: Krasnoyarsk, Dzerzhinsky Street, 18. Senior Investigator of the Investigation Department for the Zheleznodorozhny District of Krasnoyarsk of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Krasnoyarsk Territory Brigida S.A., having considered the report (registered in the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Zheleznodorozhny District of Krasnoyarsk under No. 257pr-18) of the investigator department of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Krasnoyarsk Territory Ivanov S.Y. dated 03.07.2018 on the detection of signs of a crime in the actions of Andrey Stupnikov, initiates a criminal case under Part 1 of Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Stupnikov was detained and on the same day, around midnight, a detention protocol was drawn up.

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    Andrey Stupnikov is being interrogated as a suspect. He refuses to be interrogated at night due to poor health. By the decision of the judge of the Zheleznodorozhny District Court of Krasnoyarsk, Belova, M. M. Stupnikov is taken into custody for a period of 2 months, that is, until September 2, 2018 inclusive.

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    Detention center
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    Andrey Stupnikov was brought in as an accused and interrogated. During interrogation, he uses Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

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    Olga Stupnikova, Andrey's wife, is being interrogated as a witness.

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    Appeal hearing on the measure of restraint. The judge of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court, S. N. Kostenko, leaves the decision on the detention of Andrey Stupnikov unchanged, the appeal of the defender is dismissed.

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    A cassation appeal is filed with the Presidium of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court against the decisions of the Railway Court on detention and the Appeal Decision of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court.

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    Judge of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court I. F. Zaroyts refuses to transfer the cassation appeal to the Presidium of the Regional Court.

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    The judge of the Zheleznodorozhny District Court of Krasnoyarsk, Ivanova I.A., makes a decision on the first extension of the period of detention of Andrey Stupnikov for 1 month, and in total up to 3 months, that is, until 02.10.2018.

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    An appeal for extension is filed with the judicial board of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court.

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    Appeal hearing. The judge of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court, S. N. Kostenko, makes a decision to leave unchanged the decision to extend the period of detention, the complaints are dismissed.

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    Leninsky District Court of Krasnoyarsk. Judge Prysyazhnyuk O.V. makes a decision on the second extension of the period of detention for 1 month, and in total up to 4 months, that is, until 02.11.2018 inclusive.

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    An appeal against the second extension is filed with the judicial board of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court.

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    The judge of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court, P. V. Kolegov, makes a decision to leave unchanged the decision on the second extension, the complaints are dismissed.

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    The judge of the Leninsky District Court of Krasnoyarsk, M. M. Chernyakov, makes a decision on the third extension of the period of detention for 2 months and 1 day, and up to 6 months in total, that is, until 03.01.2019.

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    An appeal against the third extension is filed with the judicial board of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court.

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    MPAs are conducted at 23 addresses. Decisions are issued by the Central and Railway Courts of Krasnoyarsk.

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    Appeal hearing. The judge of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court, O. S. Revyagina, makes a decision to leave unchanged the decision to extend the period of detention, the complaints are dismissed.

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    The judge of the Leninsky District Court of Krasnoyarsk, A. A. Ginter, makes a decision on the fourth extension of the period of detention for 2 months, and up to 8 months in total, that is, until 02.03.2019.

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    An appeal against the fourth extension is filed with the judicial board of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court.

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    Appeal hearing. The Krasnoyarsk Regional Court makes a decision to leave unchanged the decision to extend the period of detention, the complaints are dismissed.

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    The judge of the Leninsky District Court of Krasnoyarsk, M. M. Chernyakov, makes a decision to refuse to satisfy the petition for an extension of the period of detention and to change the measure of restraint to house arrest and the fifth extension of the measure of restraint for a period until 03.05.2019 with the presence of Andrey Stupnikov at the place of residence.

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    A petition is filed to change the bans for Andrey Stupnikov.

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    Prosecutor Leontiev V.A. submits an appeal with a request to cancel the decision of the Leninsky District Court to change the measure to Andrei Stupnikov to house arrest.

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    Appeal hearing to consider the appeal submission of the prosecutor.

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    The judge of the Leninsky District Court of Krasnoyarsk, M. M. Chernyakov, makes a decision to satisfy the petition to change the prohibitions (permission to walk and increase the time to visit the doctor).

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    The Leninsky District Court of Krasnoyarsk issues a decision on the sixth extension of house arrest to Andrey Stupnikov until 03.06.2019.

    An appeal is being filed against the sixth extension of house arrest.

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    Appeal hearing on the appeal against the extension of house arrest until 03.06.2019.

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    The Leninsky District Court of Krasnoyarsk issues a decision on the seventh extension of house arrest until 03.07.2019.

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    An appeal is being filed against the decision to extend house arrest until 03.07.2019.

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    Searches are being carried out at 2 addresses on the basis of decisions of Judge M. V. Zolotrubova of the Leninsky District Court of Krasnoyarsk on permission to conduct searches.

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    Searches are being conducted at 9 addresses, 13 people have been interrogated. According to some available orders, it can be seen that the search warrant was issued by Judge Ginter A.A. of the Leninsky District Court (decisions dated 06.06.2019).

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    Appeal hearing on the complaint against the extension of house arrest until 03.07.2019.

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    Judge of the Leninsky District Court of Krasnoyarsk, Svetlana Sakovich, orders Stupnikov's release from house arrest and chooses a preventive measure for him in the form of a ban on certain actions. He is not allowed to use the mail and the Internet, as well as to communicate with witnesses interrogated in his criminal case.

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    Prohibition of certain actions

    Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation A. I. Bastrykin extends the period of the preliminary investigation on UD by 3 months, and in total up to 15 months, that is, until 03.10.2019.

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    As part of the Stupnikov case, a search was authorized in the house of 77-year-old Lyubov Mirenyuk, who lives in the village of Nikolaevka (Krasnoyarsk Territory). The resolution is signed by the judge of the Leninsky District Court of Krasnoyarsk, Artem Ginter. The only reason for the search is that her grandson, who professes the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, is registered in the woman's house. Lyubov Mirenyuk herself does not share this faith. The woman has poor health, and she has not gone out for a long time, she moves around the house with great difficulty. Armed men climb over the fence, break into the house and start the search without introducing themselves or showing any documents. They are threatening a long prison sentence for her grandson.

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    Search Elderly Health risk
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    Hearing in a court of the first instance

    Referee: Marina Poptsova.

    About 40 people come to the hearing, but only 7 are allowed into the courtroom. Prosecution witness J. She speaks of Jehovah's Witnesses as good, sincere, and decent people who can be trusted. According to her, they respect authority and choose only the best and most advanced methods of treatment for themselves. The witness notes that her relationship with her husband was improved through Bible study.

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    Search Hearing in a court of the first instance Video Prohibition of certain actions Art. 282.2 (1)
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    Hearing in a court of the first instance

    Three prosecution witnesses are being questioned in the Zheleznodorozhny District Court. Tatiana Izluchenko, a specialist in the field of religious studies, notes that the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses are quite common for believers. Izluchenko recalls that the Witnesses were persecuted in Nazi Germany and were also repressed in the USSR.

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    Hearing in a court of the first instance

    Referee: Marina Poptsova. Zheleznodorozhny District Court of the city of Krasnoyarsk. Time: 14:00.

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    The first 10 of the 15 volumes of the criminal case of Andrey Stupnikov are examined at the hearing. 4 listeners are allowed into the hall.

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    A court hearing is held, during which Stupnikov first answers questions from the defense and prosecution. He explains that he was never a member of the LRO or the author of religious literature, did not call for the refusal of medical intervention, did not speak negatively about people of other faiths. On the contrary, he is very respectful of friends and acquaintances of different nationalities and cultures.

    The next court hearing is scheduled for April 12, 2021. It is planned to continue the interrogation and review the recordings of Stupnikov's speeches.

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    Hearing in a court of the first instance Prosecutor requested punishment

    The prosecutor requests a sentence of 6 years in prison for Andrey Stupnikov with deprivation of the right to engage in leadership activities in public associations for a term of 5 years . The prosecutor also asks to restrict the freedom of the believer for 1.5 years with a ban on leaving the municipality at the place of residence, where the convicted person will live after serving his term in a general regime colony. The prosecutor calls the joint reading and discussion of the Bible a crime belonging to the category of grave, and finds no mitigating circumstances.

    Stupnikov is accused of "organizing the activities of an extremist organization." As follows from the text of the debate, the state prosecutor explains: "After the ban on this organization, he did not renounce his beliefs. [...] In fact, after the ban on the activities of the organization, the teachings did not change ... The congregations have not ceased, [they] use the Bible Synodal Translation in their teachings."

    According to the prosecutor, an examination of the audio recordings of the worship services attended by Andrey Stupnikov revealed that they "are of a religious nature and represent a religious gathering of members of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization," and in the conversations "there are signs of motivation to sing religious songs and discuss issues related to religion."

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    First Instance Sentence Deprivation of liberty Art. 282.2 (1)

    Judge Marina Poptsova finds Andrey Stupnikov guilty of organizing the activities of a banned community and sentences him to 6 years in a general regime colony.

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    Court of Appeal Deprivation of liberty Art. 282.2 (1)

    The Krasnoyarsk Regional Court upholds the decision of the court of first instance. The conviction of Andrey Stupnikov comes into force.

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    To determine the place of serving the sentence, Stupnikov's documents are sent to the Federal Penitentiary Service in Moscow.

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    Andrey has a meeting with his wife in SIZO-1 of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Kirov region, where he is on his way to the place of serving his sentence. Andrey's wife is concerned that the location of the colony is still unknown, and the detention of her husband in the pre-trial detention center is delayed indefinitely.

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    Andrey Stupnikov is visited by a lawyer. He reports that the conditions in the pre-trial detention center where Andrey is being held are bad: the cell is located in a poorly lit basement, there are no sewer holes in it, and rats run around the cell.

    The believer is preparing to file a cassation appeal, as well as a petition to mitigate the conditions of serving the sentence.

    The acting head of the pre-trial detention center informs the lawyer that Stupnikov was taken to the pre-trial detention center in the Kirov region by mistake, and at the moment the question of which colony he will be transferred to is being decided.

    Andrey has the opportunity to call his wife. He tries to take care of her and morally support her.

    The believer has a pocket-sized New Testament.

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    Life in prison

    It becomes known that Andrey Stupnikov was transferred to correctional colony No. 5 in the Kirov region.

    He can send letters by regular mail or through the Zonatelecom service.

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    Court of Cassation

    The Eighth Court of Cassation of General Jurisdiction in Kemerovo upheld the verdict and the appeal decision against Andrey Stupnikov.

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    Life in prison

    The lawyer visits Andrey Stupnikov in the penal colony. The believer does not complain about his health. 6 days a week he works in the sewing industry, and also does not have access to hot water - prisoners can only take a shower on a bath day - on Sunday. But the prisoner is already accustomed to the new conditions and in his free time actively responds to letters. They don't give him parcels, but he has a Bible.

    Relations with cellmates are good. Stupnikov is being held in a penal colony for former law enforcement officers, who mostly receive short prison terms and are released quickly.

    The administration of the colony registered the believer as prone to extremism and escape, which complicates Andrey's life. In addition, according to him, sometimes other convicts are sent to him, who provoke him to talk about the Bible on the instructions of the colony administration.

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    Life in prison

    Andrey works in the technical control department of the sewing workshop, he has 10 people under his supervision. For his good work, he was rewarded with an additional meeting with his wife.

    Stupnikov continues to receive letters from people who sympathize with him.

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    Life in prison

    Andrey Stupnikov lives in a barracks with 100 beds, where another 86 convicts are held. He had several long-term visits with his wife, there is an opportunity to regularly call her.

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    Life in prison Letters

    Andrey Stupnikov developed allergies in the colony, due to which he constantly has a stuffy nose and general swelling. In January, the believer was hospitalized due to deteriorating condition. After the course of treatment, Andrey felt better. However, he was never diagnosed or given test results on the basis of which further treatment could be planned.

    The believer receives letters, but mostly by e-mail; Paper ones arrive with a delay or do not arrive at all. The censor removes God's name, Jehovah, from the correspondence. Also, the Bible was confiscated from Andrey several times without explanation.

    In the near future, Andrey should have a long date with his wife, Olga.

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    Life in prison Letters

    Andrey Stupnikov receives letters sent through the zonatelecom system or by registered mail.

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